Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Gokarna Sharma, Mikhail Nesterenko,
"Consensus on an Unknown Torus with Dense Byzantine Faults"
Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Mikhail Nesterenko, Sebastien Tiexeuil
"QUANTAS: Quantitative User-friendly Adaptable Networked Things
Abstract Simulator",
conference version Advanced tools, programming languages, and
PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems (apPLIED),
pp.40-45, Salerno, Italy, July 2022, slides
technical report arXiv: 2205.04930v3, May 16, 2022
Kendric Hood, Joseph Oglio, Mikhail Nesterenko, Gokarna Sharma, "Partitionable Asynchronous Cryptocurrency
Joseph Oglio, Kendric Hood, Gokarna Sharma, Mikhail Nesterenko, "Byzantine Geoconsensus"
conference version, 9th International Converence on Networked
Systems (NETYS), May 2021, virtual, best student paper award
brief announcement,
Symposium on Stabilization,
Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems, pp.199-204, November 2020,
technical report
arXiv:2010.02436, October 6, 2020
Joseph M. Oglio, and Bryan W. Welch. "Development of the ITACA Network Loading Analysis Tool's Scheduling
Techniques", No. NASA/TM-2018-219922. 2018.